乔(大卫·斯佩德 David Spade 饰)自幼就不是一个让人省心的孩子,总是不断的在制造着麻烦,需要父母不停的跟在后面帮他擦屁股。终于有一天,乔的母亲米西(夏洛特·麦金尼 Charlotte McKinney 饰)再也忍受不了这个傻儿子了,于是和丈夫一拍即合,两人谎称带乔出去旅游,借此机会将他丢到了一个完全陌生的城市里。
当聪明的柬埔寨医生Thony De La Rosa来到美国治疗,以拯救她生病的儿子,她很快发现她的道路不会像她希望的那样简单。当这个系统很快让她失望,迫使她躲起来,她决心不让自己被打倒和边缘化,成为有组织犯罪的清洁女工。利用她的狡猾和智慧,Thony在黑社会中开辟了自己的道路,做她必须生存的任何事情。...
A young aspiring writer discovers secrets about her family's past when she finds herself mysteriously being pulled back and forth in time to a 19th century plantation....
Follows ten year-old Johnny who stands out in different aspects way beyond his age. Things change when his new teacher sees his potential, believes in him and wants to open a new world to him....
It's the second semester of Junior year, and Gossip Girl is leaving no stone unturned in her effort to control the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. She's learned a thing or two from ...