Starring Walton Goggins, sees Harry Clarke, Leyla Toumi and George White entangled in the dangerous world of the deep state as they set their sights on Mali, a country replete in vast natural resource...
在罪恶横行的高汉市,有一个令罪犯们心惊胆颤的名字:蝙蝠侠。蝙蝠侠(迈克尔?基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)穿梭于最黑暗的角落,四处打击罪恶。在一次打击罪恶的行动中,蝙蝠侠令匪徒尼巴(杰克?尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)落入了化学池。尼巴因此面部神经受损,成了永远咧嘴笑的笑面人,人称“小丑”。
Jack is engaged to find a missing person, only to be later framed for his murder. Jack is quickly caught up in a complex web of powerful vested interests that stretches from his home town of Fitzroy t...
The team is shocked when Leo Dalton's wife and daughter are killed when a fancy sports car careens out of control and smashes into a café. The police are puzzled by the cause of the crash but beli...